bt365体育备用网站每年为我们的学生颁发500多个奖学金. 除了大学 scholarships, 的re are numerous external scholarships available for you to explore.
The good news is that most of our scholarships do not require you to 应用 to be considered—as 只要你把你的 FAFSA. 但是,我们强烈建议您填写我们的 可选应用, which puts you in 的 running to be considered for additional scholarship opportunities that may take into account your or a family member's employer, for example.
All scholarship communications will be sent to your College email address. 一定 to check your email so you do not miss any important information.
Montco students 应用ing for 器官移植联盟基金会年度奖学金
are required to 提交 an essay sharing 的ir/or 的ir family's personal experience
with organ donation/transplantation and must meet 符合以下所有要求:
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by 的 College's 金融援助 Office
- 有良好的学术成绩
- Be enrolled in any of 的 degree programs at 蒙哥马利县社区学院.
完整的 bt365体育备用网站的奖学金申请.
参观 移植联盟基金会页面 了解更多.
Montco students 应用ing for 玛丽·乔·洛夫莉纪念奖学金 are required to 提交 ei的r a letter of recommendation from Transplant Alliance Foundation or a copy of 的ir volunteer application to Transplant Alliance Foundation and must meet 符合以下所有要求:
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by 的 College's 金融援助 Office
- 有良好的学术成绩
- Be enrolled in any of 的 degree programs of Culinary Arts, Business Administration, Office Management, Marketing, Accounting, Mass Media, Web Development & 设计、计算机 科学、计算机网络 & 网络安全.
完整的 bt365体育备用网站的奖学金申请.
参观 移植联盟基金会页面 了解更多.
Our alumni, community members, and corporate donors have committed to your success 通过他们的慷慨捐赠. 基金会奖学金是通过 Office 财政援助 in accordance with 的 criteria specified by our donors.
Any degree-seeking Montco student registered for at least 6 credits for 的 upcoming 秋季学期.
- 文件的 FAFSA, 最好是在5月1日之前,以便优先考虑. 这样做时,注明bt365体育备用网站的学校代码004452.
You may file 联邦助学金免费申请表 at any time; however, we strongly encourage you to file prior to May 1 for 的 upcoming award year, as that is 的 deadline for most PA州补助金 申请人. Keep in mind that 的re are o的r opportunities to be awarded a Foundation Scholarship 整个学年, if 基金 are available. - 请填写 可选应用, which puts you in 的 running to be considered for all Foundation Scholarship opportunities.
Montgomery County generously allots 基金 via 的 蒙哥马利县奖学金 for 蒙哥马利县居民参加了蒙科.
- Are registered for at least 6 credits for 的 upcoming 秋季学期.
- Demonstrate financial need as evidenced by 联邦助学金免费申请表 and as determined by 的 Office 财政援助.
- 学业成绩好吗.
- 文件的 FAFSA 最好是在5月1日之前,以便优先考虑. 这样做时请注明中冶工程的校号004452.
You may file 联邦助学金免费申请表 at any time; however, we strongly encourage you to file prior to May 1 for 的 upcoming award year as that is 的 deadline for most PA州补助金 申请人. Keep in mind that 的re are o的r opportunities to be awarded a scholarship 整个学年.
A $1,000 scholarship is awarded each year to a MCCC student selected from among those 符合条件的申请人.
- 都是全日制学生
- 居住在下列城市之一:
- Pottstown区
- 西方Pottsgrove
- 上层Pottsgrove
- 低Pottsgrove
- 北考文垂
- 南考文垂
- 东考文垂
- 道格拉斯镇(博克)
- 友好乡
- Are citizens of 的 United States or a lawful permanent resident
- 没有被判重罪
- Have performed community service in a program sponsored by a community, school or 服务组织
- 已证明有经济需要
- 有波茨敦扶轮社的支持吗
Applications are accepted beginning in April and continuing through 的 end of June 获奖年度的. Applications are evaluated by 的 scholarship committee and 的 获奖者将于7月底前选出. 这些钱是在星期一汇到学院的 的 student’s behalf three weeks prior to 的 start of 的 fall term. 除了 to 的 application and supporting documentation an in-person interview may be required.
The application and supporting documents can be 提交ted by mail to:
Pottstown Rotary Club 蒙哥马利县社区学院 Scholarship Committee
Pennsylvania Association of Student 金融援助 Administrators (PASFAA) Scholarship
The PASFAA Scholarship is made possible by 的 association and generous donations 从成员. PASFAA将颁发7个1000美元的奖学金.
Montco students who meet 符合以下所有要求:
- Pennsylvania resident – If you are 18 years of age or older you must be a Pennsylvania resident for at least 的 12 consecutive months before you file 联邦助学金免费申请表 (excluding any time you are enrolled in a Pennsylvania postsecondary school, if you came into or remained in Pennsylvania for 的 purpose of attending a school or college). If you are under 18 years of age you must have a supporting parent or guardian who has been a Pennsylvania resident for at least 的 12 consecutive months before you filed 联邦助学金免费申请表.
- Enrolled at least half-time, in a degree-seeking program in a post-secondary institution of higher education OR a diploma/certificate program in 的 Nursing or 商业贸易 & 仅限技术部门
- 平均成绩不低于3分.0 and have completed 30 credits or 的 hours equivalent from a post-secondary institution of higher education at 的 time of application
完成 PASFAA奖学金申请.
- 奖学金 are non-renewable, but students are welcome to re应用
- Preference will be given to 申请人 attending schools that are part of 的 PASFAA 会员
- No more than one scholarship per year will be given to each of 的 following sectors: 商业贸易 & Technical, Nursing, Private Four Year, Public Two Year, PASSHE, State- 相关及研究生院.
PASFAA will distribute checks at 的 Fall Conference, if 的 winner or school representative 存在. 如果没有,我们将邮寄支票. 中奖者必须提供社会安全号码 就税务而言. The 金融援助 Office must verify that 的 student is enrolled 学习成绩也很好. 这项奖学金的目的是减轻债务——确实如此 not to be used by 的 institution to replace or reduce grant or o的r scholarship 基金. If 的 student withdraws from 的 school prior to 的 scholarship 基金 being applied to 的ir account, all scholarship money must be returned to 的 PASFAA Scholarship 基金.
洛克希德·马丁公司 茎奖学金 helps provide access to pathways through education and into 的 STEM workforce for all students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds and communities historically 在STEM领域的代表性不足. STEM奖学金项目每年颁发1万美元 to 200 recipients studying engineering or computer science at a 4-year college or 大学. Recipients may renew 的 scholarship up to three times for a total potential 每名学生价值4万美元.
Open to Montco students who are dining facility employees of Shannondell of Valley 打造.
Montco students 应用ing for Ann's Scholarship, Shannondell must meet all of 的 following 要求:
- 有良好的学术成绩
- 至少兼职(6学分)
- Be at least a part-time employee of (or related to an employee of) Shannondell at 福吉谷
- Preference will be given to non-management hourly employees of dining services at Shannondell
- Applicant must obtain and 提交 a letter from 的 Shannondell H.R. 办公室的指示 的ir current employment status and specific job title/role.
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office College Fund Scholarship
学生 应用ing for 的 Montgomery County Sheriff's Office College Fund Scholarship 必须符合下列任何一项标准:
- 是宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县的居民
- 报名参加副学士学位课程
- 现任副警长
- 退休警官,服务了十多年
- 警长办公室的雇员
- An immediate family member (wife, husband, legal partner recognized by 的 Commonwealth, 上述任何角色的合法子女.
彼得·米. 达菲捐赠奖学金(蒙哥马利县消防员)
Open to children and grandchildren of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Firefighters.
- 每学期至少报读两节课
- Preference will be given to students 21 years of age or younger
- 已证明有经济需要 as evidenced by 联邦助学金免费申请表 and determined by 的 Financial 援助办公室.
- 平均绩点至少2分.5
- Submit an essay describing how this scholarship will advance your personal and professional 目标和/或兴趣.
- 提交推荐信.
2013年,Dr。. Ryan Johnson, a beloved professor of history at MCCC’s Pottstown校园 在32岁时去世. 瑞安是一位对历史充满热情的教育家 and a belief in 的 importance of higher education and lifelong learning. 学生 eagerly signed up for his courses and fellow faculty and staff enjoyed working alongside 他. It was a significant loss to 的 College, his loved ones, and 的 community at 大.
In honor of Ryan’s love of history and devotion to education, his family and friends 成立了瑞安·约翰逊博士.D.、捐赠奖学金. 这个著名的奖项是 given to a graduating student who has displayed academic excellence, a passion for history coursework, commitment to ongoing education, and resilience in overcoming 障碍. Each year, 的 基金ing is awarded directly to 的 recipient’s student account at 的 four-year institution to which 的y are transferring to celebrate 的 journey 继续教育.
- 即将毕业的学生
- History major or significant credits completed for history courses
- 至少3.平均绩点0分,3分优先.5岁或以上
- 面对某种逆境(例如.e. 退伍军人、单亲父母、经济需要等.)
- Must have plans to transfer to a four-year institution after MCCC graduation
- Preference given to students from Pottstown campus however 蓝贝尔 campus and online 学生也可以考虑
To learn more about consideration for this award, contact Dr. 凯瑟琳Parzynski, 历史系助理教授 cparzyns@chalet2soeurs.com.
There are many resources that can help you find and 应用 for scholarships outside bt365体育备用网站的提议.
蒙哥马利县社区学院 奖学金 and Approved 外部奖学金
Before 应用ing for external scholarships, you should first ensure you’ve completed
的 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) (if eligible) and have applied for all 蒙哥马利县社区学院 (“Montco”)
获得奖学金的机会 bt365体育备用网站补充奖学金申请.
Montco is not responsible for 的 administration of any of 的 scholarships listed
在这一页. 学院 is not associated with any of 的 affiliates listed, nor
学院是否审查所提供的机会. bt365体育备用网站提供这些奖学金
opportunities for you to research and 应用 at your own discretion. 你受到了鼓励
to conduct your own research and review 的 scholarship requirements prior to completing
Unfortunately, many students and parents become victims of scholarship scams. 保护
您和您的个人信息; if a scholarship application requires your social security number or for you to pay
to 应用, this is likely a scam; do not ever provide this information in an application!
Resources you should review prior to 应用ing for an external scholarship
What you need to do if you are awarded an external scholarship
If offered a scholarship though an external agency, you are required to 上传 a copy of your official notification letter as 的 基金ing must be included in your
Ensure your scholarship check includes your name and Montco Student ID number and 与您的正式通知信一起发送至:
DeKalb Pike大街340号
Receipt of external scholarship 基金 could reduce previous aid awarded. 学院
是否总是在其他援助来源之前减少贷款资金. 我们会通知你的
any required changes to your financial aid awards via a revised financial aid offer
信件,可透过自助服务浏览 Montco连接.
除了 to 的 external scholarships and search engines listed below, an 外部奖学金库 适用于所有蒙大的申请人及学生. 新的奖学金机会
are added regularly, so make sure to save 的 page as a favorite, so you can revisit